I was the coffee maker and went to the parkside congregation.
Don Krebbs was the kitchen "Boss" at the time.
Would love to hook up with some of the other BA'S ( bad attitude )
Write soon.
Mike Graeber
mike adams here: i enjoyed my work at brooklyn bethel, mountain farm and w.t.
farm 1974 to 1979...worked with steve watters and so many others, ...remember one big factory worker giving me some static at the table i was waiting on so i dumped the full gallon of milk on his head and cooled him off quick!
also worked nights as walking watchman, and days as moving & maintenance crewman, our crew consisted of seven guys all named "mike"...one poor watchman wasn't watching and stepped into an open elevator shaft down at the squibb bldg...used to snowboard from 124 down to squibb and at night almost ran down a couple of governing body members in the hallway from 124 to 107 on those furniture coasters...also made trash runs with "marcus stapletonius" and if anyone remembers the wierd sounds of loud toilet flushing and laughter emanating from somewhere in the towers at night, that was me and mike presutti, the dual-headed 'phantom of the towers' playing with recordings and loudspeakers out the windows.
I was the coffee maker and went to the parkside congregation.
Don Krebbs was the kitchen "Boss" at the time.
Would love to hook up with some of the other BA'S ( bad attitude )
Write soon.
Mike Graeber